Certifications and Standards

ISO 9712–Accredited Certification

The Society established the ISO 9712 Qualification Center to certify NDT professionals with an internationally recognized certification under ISO 9712 (Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel) and ISO/IEC 17024 (Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons).

On April 1, 2010, the Center concluded a research service agreement with KATS to carry out the project “Introduction of the NDT Qualification System based on ISO/IEC 17024 and ISO 9712.” During the following 60 months, the Center established the Korean Personnel Certification in NDT (KPCN), a certification based on the ISO 9712 standard, by examining and utilizing international standards and the qualification/certification standards of advanced countries. Under the new KPCN, the Center produced the first qualified personnel in January 2014, and currently, there are approximately 300 qualified personnel.

KPD Qualification and Certification Center

The KPD Qualification and Certification Center was established to certify the Korean Performance Demonstration (KPD) for the Central Research Institute of the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP). Among the Society’s other organizations, the Center operates independently to maintain objectivity and fairness in various tasks and provides the UT PD and ECT QDA courses. Moreover, it is also conducting a research project entitled “Development of Demonstration Technology of Advanced Nondestructive Volumetric Examination in Lieu of Radiographic Testing.”

Standardization Project

In February 2015, the Society was designated as a COSD in the field of NDT by KATS of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) to take charge of Korean industrial standards development and management. Consequently, the Society equipped with expertise and representativeness in NDT receives funds from the government through COSD support projects and private-sector standardization support projects. Furthermore, the Society has contributed to the standardization of NDT terminology through the publication of the NDT Glossary.

#903, KOFST Center The First Bldg, 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
T. 82-2-583-7564 E. ksnt@ksnt.or.kr