Every year, the Society publishes six issues of the Journal on February 28, April 30, June 30, August 30, October 30, and December 30.
Since the initial publication in 1981, three issues of the Journal have been published yearly until 1992. Afterward, its publications increased to four issues from 1993 to 1997 and to six in 1998. In 2003, it was registered with the Korea Research Foundation and has maintained its registration until now. Currently, the Journal is recognized as Korea’s most prestigious journal in the field of NDT.

Aim and Scope : ‘Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing’ is the official journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing. The aims of this journal are to contribute to advancement of Nondestructive Testing researches and to facilitate the exchange of information and development of research among members. The journal publishes original papers, technical papers, review papers, reports of recent NDT advancements and announcements of the society’s activities. The journal contains original research and development in all categories of the field of nondestructive testing and evaluation including radiography, ultrasonics, electromagnetics, acoustic emission, optics and thermography. The abbreviated title is ‘J. Korean Soc. Nondestruc. Test.’. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing was launched in 1981. The journal is published bimonthly on 28th of February, 30th of April, June, August, October and December each year. All of the manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Total or a part of the articles in the Journal are indexed in Korea Citation Index(KCI) and DOI/Crossref. Full text is freely available from: http://www.ksnt.or.kr/publication/publication03.asp.
- Journal Title : Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
- Journal Abbreviation : J. Korean Soc. Nondestruc. Test.
- Journal launch year : 1981
- Frequency : Bimonthly
- pISSN : 1225-7842
- eISSN : 2287-402X
- DOI Prefix : 10.7779/JKSNT
- Indexed/abstracted in : DOI/Crossref, KCI
- Supported by : The publication of the journal is supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Grant funded by the Korean Government(MEST)
- Copyright : The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing (KSNT)
- Journal Office : Room 903 KSTC The first Bldg, 22, Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06130, Korea.
- Tel/ Fax/ E-mail : +82-2-583-7566 / +82-2-582-2743 / journal@ksnt.or.kr